Drone Spraying
Drone spraying is gaining ground over traditional sprays techniques. At the same time it requires to work with very concentrate tank mixes and the propeller system generates higher drift than tractors or backpack sprayers. Our R&D has developed many products to overcome these difficulties
Propellers Turbulence

Drones aren’t a new technology. But thanks to investment and a relaxed regulatory environment, their time may have arrived: The value of drone-powered solutions in all applicable industries could be more than $127 billion, according to reports. And one of the most promising areas is agriculture, where drones have the potential to address major challenges (e.g., shortage of labor, tough terrain, etc.)
Drone technology is giving agriculture a high-tech makeover. Here are some ways drones will be used throughout the crop cycle:
- Soil and field analysis: By producing precise 3-D maps for early soil analysis, drones can play a role in planning seed planting and gathering data for managing irrigation and nitrogen levels.
- Crop spraying: Drones can scan the ground, spraying in real time for even coverage. The result: aerial spraying is five times faster with drones than traditional backpack sprayers.
- Crop monitoring: Inefficient crop monitoring is a huge obstacle. With drones, time-series animations can show the development of a crop and reveal production inefficiencies, enabling better management.
So while more and more drones are being deployed in some countries, much of the spraying has come with unintended consequences. The reason is simple: Drone manufacturers and drone operators in general lack agronomic expertise. For example, many drones come out of the factory with the wrong nozzle type to spray. Thus, in many cases operator exposure to chemicals is still there, and drift to neighboring fields is also a big issue. A lot of product is wasted into thin air not hitting its intended target.
Our Agro R&D Team has developed many products to overcome these difficulties
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