In-can Adjuvants 

Including a desired adjuvant effect is a difficult task. Our adjuvants impart some biological or physical property that enhances the efficacy of the pest control agent without damaging the stability of the formulation.

Novel and Unique Ingredients

Novel and Unique Ingredients

Enhancement by penetration of the target organism, improved translocation of the active ingredient or better coverage through wetting, spreading or sticking are all adjuvant effects that can be imparted using our specialized chemistries.  Whether a water soluble system, a suspension or a oil based system, Lamberti offers multiple solutions to the desired adjuvant effect.

As tank mixes become more complex the pest control formulation has to have compatibility built in to allow for the complex mixtures.  Compatibility with fertilizers, companion pest control products, micronutrients, and tank mix adjuvants are all demands the new formulations face in todays agricultural practices.  While compatibility agents have been built into formulations for many years, new chemistries and products are needed in todays systems.We use novel and unique ingredients to accomplish a stable and sprayable mixture for application.

Efficacy Enhancement

Efficacy Enhancement

Drift mitigation is a demanding requirement for the precision farming applications seen today.  Whether your application method is aerial, ground applied, spray drones or back pack applicators drift is a concern.  We offer a wide array of natural and synthetic products which can mitigate drift issues.  Let a member of our team guide you to the proper selection based on your individual needs.

Efficacy, target enhancement, compatible tank mixes and drift management are all areas of our expertise. In-Can inclusion of adjuvants can be a complicated challenge: learn here how we tackle the issue and what tips and knowledge we can share with you.


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