
 Lamberti joins H2020-BBI JU program 

We put innovation at the very heart of what we do: this is our idea of improving agriculture's environmental footprint.

Support in the design of bio-control products

At Lamberti’s Agriculture Division we are investing a significant effort to improve  formulation and application behavior of biological products for Agriculture (like biopesticides, biostimulants, etc.) acknowledging that such products, giving their intrinsic complexity, require a dedicated set of coformulants and well designed formulations.

We started around 10 years ago to create a network of relations with companies operating in this field, with start-ups and consolidated players, that led to the development of ad-hoc products for these specific tasks.

Such close co-operation helps us consistently improving our specific expertise that will allow us to support many present and future developments in the bio-based AG market and recently led Lamberti Agriculture to be part of the H 2020 BBIJU (Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking), a series of research programs financed by the European Union.

We know that whether the need is to formulate a living organism or a botanical extract, all the active ingredients used in bio-based agriculture are sensitive to harsh chemicals and deserve coformulants that not only are preserving them during their intended shelf life, but that are biodegradable and based on renewable raw materials.

Thanks to its recognized expertise in this new and exciting field, Lamberti was invited to join a consortium of companies that were granted an H2020-BBI JU programme funding from the EU, for a project that intends to develop a new biopesticide. Within this project, Lamberti will bring its know how in formulation and coformulants to deliver an effective and stable innovative biopesticide. You can discover more about this project at